These are the things we often buy over at DotMom's household. I thought it would be fun to keep a record of prices and how things look today.

Juice: $5.79/gal (Tropicana Orange)
Oatmeal: $1.92/lb ($5.19/42 oz, Quaker Oats)

Milk: $6.49/gal (organic), $3.79/gal (regular)

Bread: $3.99 (Organic), $2.69 (Wonderbread)
Pasta: $1.25/lb
Rice: $1.29/lb (Tilda Basmati)
Sugar: $0.55/lb
Salt: $0.89 (26 oz)
Oil: $2.56/quart (Canola)
Potatoes: $0.79/lb (regular), $.1.19/lb (organic)
Apples: $1.29/lb(regular), $1.99/lb(organic)
Spinach : $1.69(regular), 2.99(organic)Chicken: $5.49/lb
Salmon: $9.99/lb

The Washington Post: $0.50
U.S. First Class Stamp: $0.41
Cup of Coffee: $0.69
Gas: $2.99/gal (87 octane), $3.21/gal(93 octane)
How do things look in your part of the world? Show me. I am looking!
(Image Courtesy: Peapod, GasSigns, Washington Post.)
lol.. what a thought... a time capsule sounds like fun... :)
all those things are much more expensive in this part of the world..
I see that Gas is cheap on that part of the world :|
preethi: you do one too!
choxbox: they are?
anon: it used to be cheaper than this. When I came here it was $0.86/gal.
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