Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 Random things going through my head

10 Random thoughts going in my mind right now

1. It’s so warm here today. Just 30F (-1C for you metric types). Finally Chip can play outside.
2. How am I going to manage to go to all these parties over the coming weekends?
3. I want to buy stuff. But what? Actually, where do I start?
4. Big Bang theory is the funniest show I have ever seen. I heart Sheldon.
5. How long am I going to fool myself and my friends that I am fully committed to the C25K program?
6. To have lunch now or later?
7. I need a vacation.
8. How best to tell BigGeek that I really don’t want to install the closet shelving when I get home this evening without breaking his heart?

As you can see, I am really out of things to write.


Doli said...

oh ar eyou also doing the C25K thing? I'm trying it and never seem to able to jog/walk for 20 mins. At around 15 mins, I'm dead :(

Sands said...

I should be starting week 3 today. I will myself to go each week and have to really give myself a pep talk. After it's done, I always feel awesome.

Shilpa said...

Any book reviews perhaps?

Rohini said...

Big Geek read the blog? Because then No. 8 could take care of itself :)

Yet Another Mother Runner said...

BigGeek called us last night to ask for some tool...looks like you didn't attempt to tell him?

I have to start watching the Big Bang Theory more regularly, watched a couple of episodes after you mentioned it...Pretty funny stuff!

and, lol-ed on you stopping at 8!!

B o o said...

Big Bang theory is the only show both hd and I LOVE. Its awesome, no? Sheldon truly rocks!

Forget c25k. do it if you ve the time. otherwise, who cares!

rayshma said...

oh, i totally <3 sheldon too!! that's the one thing i miss now abt not watching tv!! :(

and it's 30!!! really?! it hasn't been that much here in, i think, 2 months now... :(

Unknown said...

I love the big bang theory too!

I love Lucy said...

Girl after my own heart!
I absolutely LOVE The Big Bang Theory.Huge fan!
And the shopping bit, god dont ask! I have a Macy's gift card that I still haven't used simply because.

Cee Kay said...

Why is GND lol-ing at you stopping at 8? Do you, like me, have an obsession with numbers that are multiples of 5 or 10? I would totally find it difficult to stop at 8 or go beyond 5 :)

1: It is going to be warmer tomorrow. 40! Bliss!!
2: Don't?
3: Start by buying ME stuff :P
4: Gotta see that. But for that they will have to stop airing 24 :P
6: Have dinner now.
7: So do I :(
8: Did you?

Mama - Mia said...

we are totally metric types! and still its very cold whichever way you look at it i say!!

so how did conversation with Big Geek go?


Bharath Reddy said...
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DotThoughts said...

Doli: "trying" being the operative word :) All the best to you!

Sands: Oh wow. That's so inspiring :)

Shilpa: Half read books lying around :(

Ro: lol. Yes.. the issue tool care of itself, but he was still heart broken. sigh.

gnd: umm.. he found out because umm.. he read the post:) so he did it himself.

boo: wokay @c25k :)

raysh: what happened to TV?

Munchkin: :)

Lucy: Simple because??!!!!! now go out and be a woman:)

GTN: lol! I thought I had 10, but last two thoughts were blanks.

Mama-mia: the blod did the talking ;-)

roses said...
